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Get the support you deserve
Get the support you deserveGet the support you deserveGet the support you deserve
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Birthing and raising babies should be joyous, uplifting, and nourishing - not terrifying, stressful, and isolating.
Humans didn't evolve to do this alone.
You've heard the phrase "it takes a village"?
You and I can work together to bring the support you deserve back into your pregnancy, your birth, and your life.
Welcome to Nature and Nurture Doula - Here's a few words from me!
The first thing you need to know about me is that I'm an anthropologist turned doula, and I've never lost that passion for both an evidence-based perspective as well as deep respect for cultural folk knowledge. I know better than most how amazingly the human body has evolved to birth our babies, but also how crucial a supportive community is! I've also grown up living and working all around the world, which has given me such a beautiful glimpse into how diverse our practices around family, birth, and childcare are across our species. I'm now settled living in Cambridge with my partner, daughter, and two fluffy cats, but that global perspective has never left me.
I discovered the power of having a doula first-hand during my pregnancy with my daughter, where I was lucky enough to be supported by two incredible women. They helped me navigate every step of the process, and their pregnancy and postpartum care brought me out of that journey wiser, happier, and more empowered than I was before. I became fixated on the idea that EVERY family deserves the support we had, and I felt for the first time in my life what I can only describe as a calling!
I have also, through the trials and triumphs of my own parenthood journey, become passionate about the idea that support and continuity of care shouldn't just stop at birth, or at 6 weeks postpartum. As a certified doula I am constantly studying and learning more about baby wearing, breastfeeding, infant sleep, child development, nutrition, and psychology so that I can be there for my clients when they want support throughout their children's lives to help them navigate this incredible journey with confidence and joy!
Pregnancy can be such a joyous, beautiful time. It can also be filled with plenty of discomfort and anxiety! As a doula, I want to help you enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible and equip you with everything you'll need for this next phase of your life.
I am committed to both evidence-based pregnancy care (and coming from a science background, nothing makes me happier than combing through the studies to provide you with the best quality of information!) and complete respect for your individual decision making.
My ultimate goal is to work together to find solutions that feel right to YOU, to help you advocate for the individual care you deserve, and for you to claim the power to be an informed, active decision maker in your own unique and amazing birth!
Birth should be a beautifully empowering experience, not something to be dreaded. But when movies and news articles only show the hard or scary bits, it is so hard to get into that wonderful space! I can help you reclaim what should truly be one of the best days of your life.
Good news: having a doula for your birth is associated with HUGELY improved outcomes! Studies have shown birthing people supported by doulas have more positive feelings about pregnancy, shorter labours, less reported pain and anxiety during labour, lower usage of epidural and other analgesia, increased rates of spontaneous birth and lower rates of induction and augmentation, lower rates of caesarian delivery, fewer cases of low birthweight and neonatal admissions to NICU, higher rates of breastfeeding initiation, more positive reported experiences of birth, and reduced rates of birth trauma and anxiety! (You can check out all those studies here)
However you birth your baby, my job is to make you feel like the amazing goddess or invincible champion you are!
You know the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child?". Well, I want to bring the village back.
Human babies are born completely helpless. Evolutionarily, our species adapted to this by depending on spreading care across wide social groups. But now we live in nuclear families, in isolated homes, and suddenly two people (or even one person!) are expected to do the work of that entire village. No wonder new parents are so exhausted!
More good news: the benefits of a doula don't stop at birth. Parents who receive postpartum care have been shown in studies to have improved parent-infant interactions in the "golden hours" after birth, increased maternal responsiveness, improved maternal wellbeing and mental health, increased confidence, self esteem, and engagement in parenting, higher infant care competence and safety, and higher rates of exclusive breastfeeding at 4 and 6 weeks postpartum! (Again, you can check out all those studies here)
I achieve this with a combination of practical and emotional support (including the option for restorative body work) to give you and your baby the loving start you deserve!
In our age of social media and mummy clubs, raising children can become an anxiety-ridden competition rather than a joyful journey. I want to help you cut through that noise and enable you to listen to your baby and your own instincts so that you can be a confident, empowered parent!
A "traditional" model of parenting that treats every child as a blank canvass and uses punishments and rewards to try and train "correct" behaviour has been the norm for decades in our society. But increasingly modern parents are seeking a different way, one based on individuality and respect.
Guiding your unique little person through the world is hard, but it can also be one of the most rewarding, enriching experiences of your life. You have everything you need inside yourself to be exactly the parent they need. I'm just here to help you unlock it!
Do you know a family expecting a new baby? Instead of a soft animal or some little booties (so cute, I know), why not consider giving the gift of some hands-on support instead! I offer gift cards that your loved one can redeem towards whatever support they feel they need.
Please contact me directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling inquiries you may have.
Copyright © 2025 Nature and Nurture Doula - All Rights Reserved.