Signed in as:
Signed in as:
I understand that the information shared with a doula can be highly personal and sensitive. This is why, in addition to complying with my GDPR obligations, I make every effort to make sure your personal information remains completely confidential and secure to facilitate our working together.
Basic contact information, such as your name, email address, and telephone number, is collected when you as a potential client makes an enquiry. Further contact details, such as home address, may be required to be collected during the course of completing a contract. This information is kept secure in a secure email account and fingerprint protected contact sheet. I will never use this information to send you marketing or advertising content. This information is kept in secure storage until, either: a) you inform me you do not wish to work together, b) you request the information is deleted, or c) a period of 5 years from initial contact has elapsed (this covers the period of most of my ongoing services. If you wish to continue working together beyond this period, I will update the contact information accordingly and continue storing it as long as we are working together). This contact information is never shared with third parties, except with your explicit consent (as in the case of referrals for other services). However, when I am visiting a client in a private residence, for my personal safety as a sole worker, that address (de-personalised from any identifying details) will always be shared with a third person.
All information shared with me in the course of working together is strictly confidential. This means that, unless your permission is given or I have a safeguarding concern concerning a minor or vulnerable adult, anything you tell me is kept in confidence. During my period of mentorship this confidentially will include my mentor, as agreed between myself and a client. Any digital records of our communication, contracts, meetings, referrals, notes, or other documents, will be kept in a password and fingerprint protected computer folder, a secure email account, and a fingerprint and facial ID locked personal smartphone. Any physical records of our communication, contracts, meetings, referrals, notes, or other documents will be kept in a locked filing cabinet. Where you wish me to share any details of you or your situation with a third party (as in the case of a referral), either I will pass the contact information to you to organise your continued care directly, or a document detailing the exact information you wish me to share will be drawn up and signed by both of us. If I have a safeguarding concern that I feel absolutely compels me to seek outside help, I will notify you of this and the exact nature of the information I will be reporting. If I wish to seek outside counselling or support, for example from another doula, for your case I will always obtain specific permission of which details may be shared and de-personalise and de-identify all communications. If you wish me to take any photographs of you, your birth, or your baby, I am happy to do this, but I will immediately send these to you and delete any copies of them I hold. If I wish to use an image of you or your birth, for example on this website or for marketing materials, I will contact you later with a model release request, which you are absolutely free to decline. No images of you, your birth, or your baby will ever be used or shown by me without your explicit, written consent.
All records, whether digital or physical, of our work together will be stored for a period of no longer than 25 years. You may, at any time before this, ask for these records to be destroyed.
Copyright © 2025 Nature and Nurture Doula - All Rights Reserved.